Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Thursday, September 26, 2024

This Weeks Blog Post ( A Couple of days late!)

 I know I am a couple of days late with this weeks post. Things have been rather hectic this week. I spent some time with my aunt who recently got out of the hospital. We watched some tv, talked, and did Diamond Art. I got some reading done, but no writing. The next few days will be busy with getting ready for the Malice Release party. I am super excited for this anthology to be released. It is probably one of my favorites that I have been a part of because I got to write in my favorite genre, Crime Fiction!

Anyhoo... I wanted to at least try and get a post made for this week. So, what should we talk about? How many books have you read this year? I'm up to 74 so far. I am enjoying doing all of these reading challenges. They have been a lot of fun! 

I am going to be getting in some much needed writing this weekend as well. I have a few stories to get finished between now and the beginning of December. My writing schedule is super full. My schedule will be even fuller as soon as I get things set up to take my GED classes. Hopefully that will be sometime this upcoming week. (Like I need to add any more to my already full plate ;) )

For now I am going to get in my comfy pj's and relax for a bit. It's been a busy day. Until next time Happy Reading/Writing!!

Later Days!!!

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My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast