Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TWO WEEKS!!! Two Weeks? Let's Get Busy Then...

 You're probably thinking what in the world is up with the title of this blog post? There's a couple reasons for it I suppose. One I am literally going on like two hours of sleep right now, but that's not the main reason for it. Two weeks is an integral part of this writers life right now. What is about two weeks that's so special???? Well. here's an image to give you a clue.

Yep, that's right. In exactly fourteen days this anthology makes it's way out into the book world. I am going to be super busy getting everything together for the release party. I think I have all of the welcome graphics made, however I will most likely double and triple check. Also have the banner made as well. Now I still have to make the chat for the party, give mods to those who need to schedule, and schedule my posts and the welcome graphics. I also need to make a couple more promo posts for this one. Then after that we will be doing it all again for the Beautiful Darkness Anthology lol. And after that Ghostly Rites, and who knows what else with me. I do tend to stay pretty busy with my writing stuff so we'll see if I ever take a mini vacation or not. Hahahaha!
Well that's all this time around. Have a wonderful evening and Happy Writing!!!
Later Days!!!!

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My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast