Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Friday, August 2, 2024

Just An Update On Writing... and maybe a little more!

 I know it's been a while since my last post. I have been extremely busy after I got over an ear infection. There was also already one family reunion in July for my dad's side of the family (his dad's side), and tomorrow will be the one for his other side of the family (my grandma's side) unless it rains. Writing has also been keeping me busy as well. 

House of Nightmares has been edited and sent off for the Ghostly Rites Anthology. I heard back from Terrorcore Publishing about the Dolls In The Attic Anthology. It was only to let me know they received the story and will be in contact if they can't access the file or tell me whether it accepted or not. I should hear back about that around September 15th.

I finished making Running From The Past longer, and renamed it, Whispers From The Grave. I had planned to send it in for another anthology, but when I sent it I got a message saying the site couldn't be found. So, currently looking for somewhere else to submit it and if I can't do that I'll just publish it as a short story.

I am now working on getting Revenge Of The Clown finished. Then I am going to work on another story that will be due in December. It hasn't even been planned yet so can't starting writing until I have at least characters and a plotline. I am going to try to get one done for a Christmas Anthology as well if I have time.

What else have I been doing in my author life? Well I have made a list of all of the anthologies I have been in along with the dates they were published. I also made one for stories to make longer and stories to finish. I'm hoping it keeps me more organized. I have also been doing a bit of reading. I am at 60 books out of 100 for my yearly challenge. 

I guess that's about it for now. I need to get some writing done on this story if I want to get it finished. Until next time...

 Later Days and Happy Writing!


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My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast