Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Beautiful Darkness Vol. 3 Featured Author and more

 Hi everyone! How's the writing/reading life treating you all? I can't complain myself. First as the title of this post says I have news about the Beautiful Darkness  Vol. 3 Anthology. I heard back from them and they accepted my story Into The Night. The anthology will be released on October 30,2024/

We are also having a Facebook Release Party on September 30, 2024 for the Malice Anthology with some pretty cool authors stopping in to have fun.

I am also going to be a part of another anthology called Hayrides & Bonfires A Charity Anthology releasing in 2025. I'm super excited for this one since I love spooky season and all that goes with it. Also planning stories for some other anthologies and finishing up Revenge Of The Clown.

Now an update on my reading time. I have been doing the Indie Author Challenge to read 36 books by Indie Authors this year and the 100 Book Challenge. I'm not doing to bad on either challenge. And then the 24 In 24 Challenge to read 24 book I already own in 2024. I am currently at 16 for that one. I'm at 24 for the Indie Author Challenge and 65 for the 100 Book Challenge. 
I am going to update reviews for the year on here soon. Once I get a minute to do that lol. Until then Later Days!!! Happy Writing/Reading!

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My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast