Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Friday, August 30, 2024

Book Reviews 2024 Part 3 (I know I am so behind on these)

 As the title of this post states I am so behind on posting book reviews to the blog. Time to get at least a little bit caught up.

First we have Naughty & Nice by LM Fox

Trevor is looking for a fresh start, not a new relationship. Addison has other plans for the new firefighter in town. With terrific characters and a great storyline, this book was definitely worth the read! I loved everything about it!!

Next is Sailor Moon VOL 6 by Naoko Takeuchi 

Sailor Moon was the first anime I started watching. I have been a fan for a long time. I absolutely love this series!

Third we have The Adventures of the Blue Boots by Nikolusha Kerner

Oh my gosh! What a cute and fun story! I really enjoyed this book!

Next is the Second Chances Anthology

These stories were inspirational and wonderful! Moving on from the bad is never easy, but we can do it, and these stories people can relate to. I loved all of the stories in this anthology.

After that we have Forbid Me Not by DV Fischer

One night is all it takes for these two to find what they both need. Avery and Reid can't possibly have a relationship without causing a while lot of problems. Can they overcome the odds and find true happiness?
Terrific characters and a great storyline make this one worth the read! A definite five star book!!! I love everything about this one!!!

Now we have a true classic Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

A classic I regret not reading a lot sooner. This book is about family and friends in hard times. It's about sisters being there for one another. It had everything that makes for a wonderful book!!! I love, love, love, love this story!

Breaking The Chains by Elizabella Baker is our next book this time around.

The 4th installment of the series lives up to the hype of the previous books. Blayd and Franni's story is amazing and Gia is the perfect addition to their story! Plenty of action and surprises will leave you reading late into the night.

Now we have Resolute Bodyguard by Leslie Marshman

Book four in the Protectors of Boone County, Texas is as amazing as the rest of the books!! Nate, the only sibling not in law enforcement is suddenly hired to be a bodyguard to someone from his past he never thought he would see again. Sara decides to take a new job in Resolute only to realize she has a big problem. Nate and Sara, along with rest of the Reed clan have to stop an unseen evil. I absolutely loved this story! An absolutely perfect addition to the series!

Our next to the last book this round is Bluey: The Pool

A cute little story that kids will love. A book parents can enjoy a long with their kiddos.

And finally we have Young Fae by Annamarie Gardner

This story captured my attention from the start. Asha learns who she really is and must face an evil she never imagined existed. With Draven and their friends to help can they make it through? An absolutely wonderful story! A quick read that is well worth the time!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Weekly Blog Post and a few updates

 Once again I am going to try to post a new blog at least once a week, maybe two times if there are reviews to post. Things will be busy for me the next few months, so we'll see if I can stick to this schedule. Plus it's always a pretty tough time for me mentally from September until January. This year I am going to try not letting it get me down by focusing on my writing and other author stuff that needs done. Who knows maybe I'll finally figure out how to send those pesky newsletters?

Starting September 3rd I have things that I need to get done. Three books need to be read and reviewed between the 3rd and 17th. I also have the deadline for Ghostly Rites on the 30th, plus the release and release party for the Malice Anthology. That means I need to get promo posts made for both stories/anthologies and need to make sure to schedule social media posts and takeovers. The 1st of October is the deadline for the Clown Off Challenge. That story is almost finished.

I should hear back from Dolls In The Attic anytime between now and October. So have to check emails in case my story is accepted. And then on the 30th of October Beautiful Darkness Vol. 3 will be released. Another set of promo posts that need to be made. And maybe a Halloween event on the 31st? I also need to get a schedule put together so I'll remember all of this stuff LOL. 

I will be making one more blog post in a bit for reviews. It will be posted either later tonight or in the next couple of days, probably the latter. Just going to have it ready to post. For now I need to go and get things done. A four-day migraine didn't help my schedule any. Until next time....

Happy Writing and Later Days!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Beautiful Darkness Vol. 3 Featured Author and more

 Hi everyone! How's the writing/reading life treating you all? I can't complain myself. First as the title of this post says I have news about the Beautiful Darkness  Vol. 3 Anthology. I heard back from them and they accepted my story Into The Night. The anthology will be released on October 30,2024/

We are also having a Facebook Release Party on September 30, 2024 for the Malice Anthology with some pretty cool authors stopping in to have fun.

I am also going to be a part of another anthology called Hayrides & Bonfires A Charity Anthology releasing in 2025. I'm super excited for this one since I love spooky season and all that goes with it. Also planning stories for some other anthologies and finishing up Revenge Of The Clown.

Now an update on my reading time. I have been doing the Indie Author Challenge to read 36 books by Indie Authors this year and the 100 Book Challenge. I'm not doing to bad on either challenge. And then the 24 In 24 Challenge to read 24 book I already own in 2024. I am currently at 16 for that one. I'm at 24 for the Indie Author Challenge and 65 for the 100 Book Challenge. 
I am going to update reviews for the year on here soon. Once I get a minute to do that lol. Until then Later Days!!! Happy Writing/Reading!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Just An Update On Writing... and maybe a little more!

 I know it's been a while since my last post. I have been extremely busy after I got over an ear infection. There was also already one family reunion in July for my dad's side of the family (his dad's side), and tomorrow will be the one for his other side of the family (my grandma's side) unless it rains. Writing has also been keeping me busy as well. 

House of Nightmares has been edited and sent off for the Ghostly Rites Anthology. I heard back from Terrorcore Publishing about the Dolls In The Attic Anthology. It was only to let me know they received the story and will be in contact if they can't access the file or tell me whether it accepted or not. I should hear back about that around September 15th.

I finished making Running From The Past longer, and renamed it, Whispers From The Grave. I had planned to send it in for another anthology, but when I sent it I got a message saying the site couldn't be found. So, currently looking for somewhere else to submit it and if I can't do that I'll just publish it as a short story.

I am now working on getting Revenge Of The Clown finished. Then I am going to work on another story that will be due in December. It hasn't even been planned yet so can't starting writing until I have at least characters and a plotline. I am going to try to get one done for a Christmas Anthology as well if I have time.

What else have I been doing in my author life? Well I have made a list of all of the anthologies I have been in along with the dates they were published. I also made one for stories to make longer and stories to finish. I'm hoping it keeps me more organized. I have also been doing a bit of reading. I am at 60 books out of 100 for my yearly challenge. 

I guess that's about it for now. I need to get some writing done on this story if I want to get it finished. Until next time...

 Later Days and Happy Writing!


My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast