Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

My Favorite Advice From Authors

 Hello and welcome to the blog this week! 

Today I want to share some writing advice from authors who have inspired me. I hope you can find inspiration in their words too!

Have faith in yourself and know you wrote something you are proud of. Follow your dreams to reach your goal, then keep climbing and never look back.  - Jennifer Lynn Roche

I think the best advice is to never give up. I have a mentor who always insists that when it comes to publishing persistence is more important than anything. - Barbara Solomon Josselsohn

Don't discount self-publishing. - Alannah Lawrence

Never give up. Keep writing and read a lot of the genre you are writing. - Tina Hogan Grant

You'll never be able to please everyone so write the story you want to. - Marsha Black

Finish the book before you start planning on publishing. Don't do anything until you have a finished product. That includes developmental edits. - Lori King

Find your tribe. Believe in yourself. Get a good editor. - R.L. Merrill

These are only a few of my favorite pieces of advice. I will do another post in the future about this as well. Maybe make it a monthly thing. 

Until next time... Happy Writing!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Book Reviews of 2025 so far...

 This will be a shorter post since a lot has happened since last week. I wasn't even sure I was going to post this week at all, but figured it would only take a few minutes to do so here goes. There are only 7 books so far. Here goes.

First up we have Bad Dreams by R.L. Stine (this one was a reread)

This is one of my all time favorite book series! I have always loved Fear Street! Maggie and Andrea move into a new house with a deadly secret. Now Maggie has to figure out what those dreams mean before it's too late. I am absolutely amazing story with great characters and an excellent plot twist!!!

Next we have Deceptive Lies by Jane Blythe

Action from beginning to end! This book was a definite page-turner. With a surprise twist i didn't see coming and wonderful characters, it's the perfect start to the Charlie Team series!!! I loved Cooper and Willow's story! A terrific book that will leave you wanting more!

Third up is Holidays With Her by Amber M. Kestner

A terrific story! I loved this story, even though it was a shorter one. It had wonderful characters and a great plot! Definitely worth the read!

Our fourth book for the year is Her by D.V. Fischer

This book contains trigger warnings that can be found on the author's website. This book touches on a dark subject that needs to be ended. I loved Charlie and Nix. This book is full of emotions and twists. I totally didn't see that ending coming. Even though it may be difficult for some readers, I enjoyed this story.

After that we have Midnight Magic by W.A. Ashes

I absolutely loved this story! Short but sweet! A terrific holiday story!!!

Then it's Cowboy Protector by Amelia Chase

I really enjoyed this story. A quick, fun read! A terrific book! Storm and Lily were awesome!

And the last book for this time is the Snowflakes & Sleigh Bells Anthology

A wonderful collection of stories for a terrific cause! All of the stories were amazing! I loved this anthology. The perfect blend of holiday stories!!!

That's all for now since I haven't finished any more books yet. ;) Until next time... Happy Reading!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Just a little update

 Hey ya'll! How's everyone doing this week? I am officially on meds for an ear infection. Third one in four months so not going out unless I have to. However, that means I can get more done for my writing and reading stuff. That's what I'm doing today. I am scheduling posts for my FB reader group, Cassandra's Place. I am also updating my profile on Tome. Just joined it yesterday so it's still a work in progress. I also scheduled posts for an author takeover tomorrow on FB. 

I wrote more last night on my stories for the Terror Reigns and Hayrides and Bonfires anthologies. I also got some reading done. 

Here are the details for the two stories I am currently working on.


Well that's about it for this week. Have a wonderful week and Happy Writing/Reading!!!

PS. I will be updating everyone on my reading challenges next week so stay tuned for that one.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

What Am I Doing In The Snowy Weather?

 With the weather being crazy lately I haven't gone out much. I have however been doing the whole writing and reading thing. I have also been doing my Diamond Art my cousin got me for Christmas. 

I have been getting a lot accomplished with my writing. My story for the Doors of Darkness anthology is finished and sent in. Waiting to hear back if it will be accepted or not. That story is called Defend The Night and is my first werewolf story. I also finished my story for the Echoes Of The mind Anthology and sent it in. The title of that one is Breathe In, Breathe Out, and Let It Go. The Stranger In The Grave is currently being written and will be sent in for the Terror Reigns Anthology and I already have my story for the Hayrides & Bonfires Anthology plotted and started as well. Still deciding on a title for that one. That still leaves two stories for anthologies to plot and write once these two are finished. Have plenty of time to get to them.

So far I have read seven books this year. Sixty-eight more to go for the rest of the year. Not doing to bad so far. Working on an ARC ebook and then one more ARC to do after that and reading a paperback as well. 

I am not one who enjoys the cold weather since I get so cold so easily. I love to snuggle under a blanket with a good book and some hot chocolate. Makes the perfect winter evening. And now I'm off to get some more writing done. 

Later Days and Stay Warm!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! Let's Talk Reading Challenges!

 Happy 2025 fellow writers and readers!!!

As the title of the post says, let's talk about those reading challenges? Do you set a reading goal for the year? Do you participate in reading group challenges? What are some of your favorites? 

I love my reading challenges! I even created two for my reader group on Facebook for this year. 

I do monthly reading challenges in several Facebook groups I am a member of. They are always fun. I am also doing a few others this year.

The 2025 Alphabet Soup Challenge

The 12 Challenge for 12 books recommended by friends.

The Rainbow Reading Challenge 

Plus I set my reading goal to 75 for this year. Last year I set it at 100 and read 109 books. However I have more writing projects to work on this year so I decided I need a lower number. Let me know what your favorite reading challenges are. And what is your favorite way to keep track of those challenges?

Now I am off to get some writing done before I read some more. Until next time...

Happy reading!!!!
Later Days!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Catching Up On Things In My Writing World

 First off let me start by saying... Happy Holidays!!! I know I haven't posted this month but things have been pretty busy, I guess that's par for the course this time of the year. What with shopping, wrapping, cooking and baking, and of course decorating! 

I haven't let it all keep me from writing and reading though. I managed to beat my goal of 100 books for the year. I am currently sitting at 104 and still have 16 days to read. 

As for writing I finished the first story for my six haunted paths collection. I also started my story for the Doors of Darkness Anthology and have it almost finished. As of right now I have managed to write 87,904 words for this year. Guess what, 2025 won't be any slower with writing. I plan to get these stories for anthologies finished and The Blakes Series as well. 

Now I did get some bad news concerning my story I sent in for the Inanimate Things Anthology. While they loved the story it wasn't accepted for the book. Instead of letting that get me down I decided, hey, I'm going to make a short story collection about haunted/possessed dolls. I'm thinking it will be called Dolls Of The Dead. Of course that's still a working title since I have other stories to finish before I get to this one.

I will try to post again since I need to post all my reviews anyway. Until then... Later Days and Happy Writing/Reading!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! And a writing update too!

 Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Happy Thanksgiving! I know everyone is getting ready for the big holiday tomorrow. What am I doing on this chilly November evening? You guessed it? Getting writing projects in order. I am also planning to write more on my story for the Doors Of Darkness 3: The Mall. I have to submit it and see if they accept it, but have to write it first. It's not due until the 31 of January so there's time. I also need to get my story for the Reach The Stars Anthology done as well. It's due the same day. 

I have managed to do a good bit of writing this month. I made Revenge of the Clown even longer and sent it in to see if it will be published as a novella. Won't hear back about it until  the end of January. I also wrote the first story in the six haunted paths stories I had planned. It's called Echoes Of Madness. 

What else do I have planned in the next few months. Well I am planning to write a story for the Echoes of the Mind Anthology and get something planned for Reign Of Terror. After that I have to get my story done for the Hayrides & Bonfires Anthology and then Holiday Spirit. 

You're probably thinking to yourself, wow, she's got all her writing projects all planned out. I would have to say you're half right. I have them written down in order, but only a few of the stories are planned so far. I am going to put a list of everything i am going to be working on, not counting the other stories for the six haunted paths, and the Blake's series. I have them up until 2027.


Doors Of Darkness 3; The Mall

Reach For The Stars

Echoes Of The Mind

Terror Reigns

Hayrides & Bonfires

Holiday Spirit



Sinister Dreams

Midnight Bites

A Winter's Love


Meant To Be Claimed

The Killing Spree

Into The Dark

That's how my writing life looks like for the foreseeable future. Now I am off to do some writing before I read a bit.

Later Days and Happy Writing!

My favorite books

  • Rebels At The Gate
  • The Father Factor
  • Jacob's Girls
  • James Patterson's Books
  • A Seperate Peace
  • The Pearl
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hunt For Hawke's Daughter
  • Charlotte's Web
  • A Child Called "IT"
  • Sugar Baby

My Favorite Authors

  • Janie King Crouch
  • Elizabeth Heiter
  • Lynn Rush
  • Kelly Hashway
  • Langston Hughes
  • John Knowles
  • John Stienbeck
  • Charles Dickens
  • Max Lucado
  • James Patterson
  • Jean Barrett
  • Karen Young

My Favorite Movies

  • Kickin It Old Skool
  • Meet The Robinsons
  • My Girl
  • 30 Days of Night
  • Free Willy
  • Beauty and the Beast