Monday, January 30, 2012

Help prevent Child Abuse

Child abuse is a disease that we need to put an end to.Everyday a child is senselessly abused.Child abuse can occur in any home,school,organization,or community a child is involved in.there are four major catergories of child abuse.Neglect,physical abuse,psycological/emotional abuse,and child sexual abuse.
      Physical abuse is any type of physical contact:hitting,pushing,shoving,choking,etc.It can result in cuts,bruises,broken bones,and even death.
Child sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual contact to a child:indecent exposure,pornography,etc.
 Psycological/Emotional abuse is by far the hardest to define.It includes name-calling ridicule,degradation,destruction of personal belongings,excessive criticism,and humiliation.
Neglect can be withholding food,clothing,or even medical treatment from a child.
Effects of child abuse include guilt,self-blame,nightmares,insomnia,self-esteem issues,sexual dysfnction,and chronic pain.It can also cause someone to suffer from addiction,self-injury,suicidal ideation,depression,and PTSD.Victims are likely to suffer from anxiety,mental illnesses(borderline personality disorder,dissociative identity disorder),bulimia nervosa,self-blame,and even fighting back against the abuser.
The causes of child abuse include substance abuse,unemployment,and even being a step-parent.
 It doesn't have to be this way.WE can prevent child abuse from happening.We just have to be willing to stand up and fight for these children!

For more information or to report child abuse please contact these resources:

Child Help USA

Administration for Children and Families

Missing Children Web Page

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect


  1. Hey, hon. Took a look at your wonderful blog. Ty for creating it to help advocate against child abuse. I am honoured to read it, and am thankful you created it. I think that it is wonderful of way to advocate against domestic violence.

  2. Your welcome!I'm glad that you like it and I look forward to doing more to advocate against violence.I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read my blog!
