Sunday, December 2, 2012

Writing Through The Pain Of Loss

  Recently I have had some things happen that I had no control over. Sometimes these things happen and we are forced to take a step backwards (or sometimes numerous steps).We have to take a look at things in a new light,focus,and get back on track.I have learned this lesson the hard way.

 I have been writing since I was 13 years old.It's all I want to do with my life.But what happens when your dream is shattered by the unexpected? How do you face the reality of it all being gone? I recently lost almost everything I owned in a fire.It hurt to realize it was gone and I wouldn't get it back. Along with numerous possessions I lost most of my writing material.

 That was it,the end of my dream,or so I thought.With the support of friends and family I was able to put the focus back on my dream.I wasn't about give up on what drove me to live.I knew I was meant to write,and share,my story with others who have been dealt a major blow to their dreams.That and I live by an excellent quote from the great Walt Disney, "KEEP MOVING FORWARD".

I forced myself to face each day with new eyes.To look for the silver lining in my cloud.I had to keep writing.

And then another blow came.I lost something irreplaceable. My best friend passed away suddenly.I felt my whole world came crashing down around me.How could I go on without her in my life?Where would I get my advice and support?Could I go on without her?

 After felling lost and alone for about a week I decided I had to go on.If not for myself,then for my best friend.She had believed in me and was proud of me.She had told me that she loved the idea that I wanted to further my education.I decided that I would do that for her.Make her even prouder of me.
And through it all I continued to write.I wrote in my journal.I wrote poetry in her memory.I kept going forward in my life.

We are dealt some pretty bad times in the storms of life.How can we get through these storms?My way of "getting through" is to write. Writing makes me happy and sets me free,It helps me to remember people and difficult times.It gives me strength.

 My advice to all the writers out there in the world (and even those who don't write for a living) is to WRITE! Even if you aren't able to tell people through your stories or poetry,write in a journal. No matter what happens...just write!!!